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TitreNavigated retinal laser (Navilas®) has arrived in CHU Brugmann- how can it help patients and ophthalmologists?
ButNavigated retinal 577nm laser Navilas® uses eye-tracking laser delivery system that can overlay infrared (IR), OCT, fluorescein (FA) and indocyanin-green angiography (ICG) images onto a real-time fundus image. Treatment is mapped directly on the fundus image, or on its overlay with an IR/ FA/ ICG/ OCT image. Laser can be used with a standard mode or with a microsecond-pulsed (MSP) setting for sub-threshold treatments. Added values of Navilas® are: image-guided treatment planning, greater accuracy and speed, improved patient comfort, digital spot documentation, minimizing collateral damage. CHU Brugmann recently acquired this laser. Our purpose is to present an overview of Navilas® applications and to share our fresh experience with this laser.
MéthodesLiterature review on Navilas® applications was conducted. Case reports from our clinic will be presented.
RésultatsNavilas® can be used with standard and MSP parameters. Standard parameters are applied for panretinal and macular treatments. The advantages of Navilas® in this case are: less pain and greater speed for panretinal treatments, and greater precision and safety for macular treatments. MPS parameters are an emerging treatment option for macular edema of different origins: diabetes, branch retinal vein occlusion, central serous chorioretinopathy (CRSC), with the benefit of causing no collateral damage and the potential to reduce treatment burden of repeated intravitreal injections.
ConclusionNavilas® is a patient-friendly laser that proposes several innovative features having the potential to affect indications for macular laser treatments. It does not replace a conventional laser and its exact clinical applications and laser settings need to be further evaluated.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
InstitutCHU Brugmann, CHU Saint Pierre
Auteur 2
InstitutCHU Brugmann
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