BIO: Belgian Immuno Ophthalmology Club

The 10 mishaps in uveitis
Lundi 11 Janvier 2016, 09:00 - 12:30, Gold
Joachim VAN CALSTER, Philippe sr KESTELYN
100109:00To avoid mishaps: the principles of treating non-infectious uveitis VAN CALSTER J
100209:20Steroid therapy in severe uveitis: what’s the risk of infection? KESTELYN P
 09:40Potpourri of mishaps in uveitis and how to avoid them HERBORT C
100410:10Undertreating anterior segment disease in children CASPERS L
100511:00No therapy for relatively mild, chronic disease such as birdshot: right or wrong? DE SCHRYVER I
100611:20PPD positivity and ocular disease masquerading a masquerade WILLERMAIN F
 11:40MRI: repeat and repeat VAN CALSTER J
 11:50Case reports
 12:30End of session
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