BRS - Challenging cases from the retina clinic FAB/BIO/REBEL

Challenging cases from the retina clinic FAB/BIO/REBEL
Zaterdag 28 November 2020, 14:00 - 15:30, ROOM 1
 14:00Introduction by Werner Dirven
 14:05Case 1: Mix of peculiar cases LOCHT B
 14:15Case 2: Dry AMD , or not ? RUYS J
 14:25Case 3: Cases on APMPPE and link with meningitis WALGRAVE V
 14:35Case 4: Drusenoid PED with fluid: to treat or not to treat ? WIJNANTS D
 14:45Case 5: Recurrence of MNV after RPE-patching DE SUTTER C
 14:55Case 6: Noonan Syndrome and cavernous retinal hemangioma : a coïncidence ? LALLAU V
 15:05Case 7: The answer is in the genes GEERTS L
 15:15Case 8: What is Purtscher-like retinopathy? 2 illustrating cases VANDEURZEN J
 15:25Conclussion by Werner Dirven
 15:30End of session
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