Eye and pregnancy
Vendredi 26 Novembre 2021, 09:00 - 12:30, GOLD
Paulina BARTOSZEK, Anne - Catherine GRIBOMONT, Audrey MEUNIER
 09:00Welcome, Xavier Janssens (SBO President)
 09:05Ocular development of the embryo and pathophysiological implications GILLARD P
 09:15Physiological changes in refraction and ocular surface during pregnancy VAN ACKER E
 09:30Pregnancy and retina POSTELMANS L
 09:55Pregnancy and uveitis KISMA N, KOZYREFF A
 10:15Questions and answers
 10:30Coffee Break
 11:00Treatment of glaucoma in pregnant patient EHONGO A
 11:15Pregnancy and neuro-ophthalmology BOSCHI A, COUTEL M
 11:35Hereditary diseases: genetic counselling and pre-conceptual diagnostic DESIR J, MEUNIER A
 11:50High myopia, vitreoretinopathies and childbirth BALI E
 12:00Pregnant woman anesthesia ROELANTS F
 12:10Questions and answers
 12:20Ophtanet KISMA N
 12:30End of session
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