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TitleCerebral tumor and visual field deficit; orthoptics as a tool- case report
PurposeTo describe the functional impact of a deficit of the peripheral field of vision. 2) To demonstrate the consequences of the visual handicap which shouldn’t be underestimated. 3) To underline the importance of the rehabilitation with outcome results regarding quality of life and autonomy.
MethodsPresentation of a clinical case, illustrating the orthoptic re-education in the Center of Functional Re-education. The orthoptic re-education is a visual training to optimize the functional visual capacities by the optimal use of the residual field of vision.
ResultsAt the end of the orthoptic examination, the project of re-education which is defined together with the patient, determines the various fields of action of the orthoptic re-education. In the presented case, the objective was to be autonomous in a supermarket.
We demonstrate how a programmed perceptual-motor rehabilitation restored gaze control and prepared the intervention of the other therapists (instructors in locomotion, occupational therapists...).
ConclusionBy the objectification of the consequences of the deficit on functional vision, the orthoptist often helps in the recognition of the visual handicap which is too often underestimated. Besides, by the use of the residual potential and the optimization of the visual efficiency, he favors the autonomy and the quality of life of the visual deficient person, limits the negative impact of the severe low vision to daily life (risks of falls, disorders of equilibrium) and favors the well-being of the persons who restore self-confidence in their visual capacity.
Authors 1
Last nameFRITZ
DepartmentAmis des Aveugles et Malvoyants
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