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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BSA: Belgian Strabismological Association
TitreRefraction and genetics
Abstract Nr.1043
ButRefraction errors are a public health stake. Environment and genetics are surely implicated. In our daily practice, we all have "family of" ametropic patients. We could therefore wonder which part genetics can explain.
MéthodesReviewing studies about refractive errors.
RésultatsMyopics, hyperopic and astigmatics patients have been studied. Much more has been said about myopia. Genetics seems to be determinant in each refractive error, but locating the genes is a challenging program.
ConclusionGenetics is a relevant underlying cause of ametropia. The future (molecular genetics) should reveal us the responsible genes or the interaction between environment and predisposing genes.
Auteur 1
InstitutHôpital de Jolimont
VilleLa Louvière
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