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TitreClinical experience with a new extended range of vision lens and a new femtosecond laser for laser assisted cataract surgery -: 3 months results
Abstract Nr.1055
ButTo present the performance, side-effects and patient satisfaction of the new Tecnis Symfony extended range of vision lens in patients who underwent femtosecond-laser-assisted cataract surgery with the Catalys Precision laser system. The Symfony lens was created to overcome the classical side-effects of traditional diffractive lenses.
MéthodesThe Tecnis Symfony extended range of vision IOL (ZXR00 by AMO), is the first 'Extended Range of Vision' lens worldwide. It was bilaterally implanted in 31 patients. The dominant eye was targeted for emmetropia, the non-dominant eye was targeted for a slight myopia (-0.6 D).
Follow-up visits took place 1 day after surgery for each eye and 1 month and 3 months after surgery for both eyes. Key evaluation criteria included binocular uncorrected and corrected visual acuity for far and near, as well as subjective reports of visual disturbances and patient satisfaction questionnaire responses.

RésultatsBinocular visual acuities at distance were comparable between the TECNIS Symfony and the monofocal control IOL groups. However, binocular visual acuities at near were significantly better with TECNIS Symfony IOL.. A slight higher amount of reported incidence of halos and glare was noted.
ConclusionMore than 80% of patients were spectacle-free, and 98% said they would recommend the implant to family and friends.
Auteur 1
InstitutGoes Eye Centre, private practice
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