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TitreThe incidence of retinal redetachment after pars plana vitrectomy with 360° endolaser
Abstract Nr.2031
ButTo evaluate the incidence of retinal redetachment after vitrectomy associated with 360° endolaser for the treatment of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (PRRD).
MéthodesA retrospective review of 1536 eyes (1472 patients) after pars plana vitrectomy and 360° laser retinopexy for PRRD between January 2004 and August 2014 ( University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium). Patients were divided into two groups: a ‘reoperation group’ (132 eyes) and a ‘no reoperation group’ (1404 eyes). There was a mean follow-up time of 422 days. Different parameters were analyzed for their influence on the success rate of the primary surgery.
RésultatsThe mean age was 61.75 ± 11years, the gender was evenly distributed over both groups. The preoperative phakic status did not influence the success rate of the surgery. A redetachment developed in 132 eyes (8.6%), yielding a primary success rate of 91.4%. In these eyes, 97eyes required a second surgical procedure, 23 a third, 10 a fourth and 2 a fifth to achieve 100% reattachment. The most common cause of redetachment was leakage through the original retinal tear (35.24%). Mostly, retinal breaks occurred in the superior quadrant(55.08%). The location of the break had no significant influence on the reoperation rate. Eyes that underwent a combined vitrectomy with encircling band procedure had a higher success rate (94.64% vs 90.24%).
ConclusionPrimary vitrectomy combined with 360° laser therapy is an effective treatment in patients with PRRD. The primary anatomic success rate was 91.4%. The only factor that influences the outcome in this study is a positive effect of a combined encircling band.
Auteur 1
Institut Dept. Ophthalmology Uzleuven
Auteur 2
InstitutArst Statistica
Auteur 3
InstitutDept. Ophthalmology Uzleuven
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