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Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie NOC
TitelDiagnostic challenges in neuro-ophthalmology. The Latest in Optical Coherence Tomography.
Abstract Nr.3022
DoelOCT is the most revolutionary technology in neuro-ophthalmology, helping us to solve difficult clinical diagnoses.
MethodesPeculiar relevant clinical cases.
ResultatenThe ophthalmologists are now able with the advent of capabilities for computerized segmentation of the ganglion cell layers (neurons, "retinal gray matter") in addition to retinal nerve fiber layer (RFNL;axons) to examine the eye like the neuro-radiologist does with brain MRI.
ConclusieOCT has a bright future : diagnostic tool, prognosis indicator of recovery after optic neuropathy, brain atrophy indicator, testing for remyelinating neuropathy agents, fluorescence labeling in dementia and potentially MS, Polarization-Sensitive OCT with changes to the axonal cytoskeleton preceding axonal loss in diseases like MS......
Auteur 1
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