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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB Poster session1
TitreBlindness: a rare complication of corticotomy of the maxillary bone.
Abstract Nr.1022
Butto show the Diagnosis of blindness after corticotomy of the maxilla in a case of a young female, a rare complication of corticotomy of the maxillary bone
MéthodesMethods :
- Computed tomography
- Ophthalmological examination
- Arteriography with contrast
- other investigations
RésultatsCase study :
A 15 years old girl demonstrated unilateral visual loss in the left eye, immediately after corticotomy of the maxilla. ( Surgical Assisted Rapid Palatal / Maxillary Expansion: “SARPE “ SARME” )
Clinical examination revealed loss of vision to non light perception of the left eye; eye pressure was 15 mm.Hg which is normal; Biomicroscopical examination showed clear cornea; Anterior chamber was normal; Conjunctiva was normal; Photo motor reflex was present in both eyes, but much less reactive in the left eye;
Fundoscopy in the left eye showed a white shiny retina at the level of superior arteria temporalis.
Computed tomography of orbit and brain was normal.
Patient was transferred to the university hospital for an arteriography with contrast of the blood vessels of the head: osteal occlusion of the arteria ophthalmica of the left eye was observed.
Complete blood examination showed normal results; The outcome of cardio vascular examination was also normal.
ConclusionConclusion: acute blindness after corticotomy of the maxilla is an extremely rare but possible complication. In this case the mechanism of this complication is still not understood.
( Hypotensive anesthesia, combined with vessel dysfunction or trauma?)
Auteur 1
InstitutAZJanportaels Vilvoorde
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