
AOB Poster session1

Cordonnier Monique, Gribomont Anne-Catherine, Koppen Carina, Leroy Bart, Ten Tusscher Marcel Van de Walle Evelien, Willermain François
AOB e-Posters
Monday 11 January 2016, 12:30 - 13:30, Poster area
1022Blindness: a rare complication of corticotomy of the maxillary bone. JAVDANI Z, HEYE S, CHRISTIAENS F, DERNEVOIS B
1023Is PRK better than LASIK for extreme myopia? DILTOER EM, LIN DT, HOLLAND SJ, TERMOTE K
1024Mean flap thickness after laser in-situ keratomileusis with new femtosecond laser. STOCKMAN AC, BLANCKAERT J, MULLIEZ E, GHEKIERE S
1025Ocular non-nephropathic cystinosis due to a novel mutation in the lysosomal cystine transporter gene CTNS ACCOU G., DE CRAENE S., VANLERBERGHE V, KESTELYN Ph, LEROY BP, DE ZAEYTIJD J
1026Early results of a multicenter clinical trial: Regenerating the anterior cornea through standardized transplantation of limbal epithelial stem cells BEHAEGEL J, NI DHUBHGHAILL S, KOPPEN C, LEYSEN I, TEN TUSSCHER M, TASSIGNON MJ, ZAKARIA N
1027Comparison of the effect of novel lubricant eye drops on corneal healing in an ex-vivo model DUTESCU RM, PANFIL C, SCHRAGE N
1028Anterior megalophthalmos cataract: Supporting the ‘bag-in-the-lens’ implant. JANSSEN C, NI DHUBHGHAILL S, AUGUSTINUS A, TASSIGNON MJ
1029Management of post-viral ulcer REMONT LR
1032Induced astigmatism after Ultrasonic Circular Cyclo Coagulation in patients with open angle glaucoma. CHAPELLE AC, DUPONT G, COLLIGNON NJ
1033Clinical trial of Ultrasonic Circular Cyclo Coagulation in patients with open angle glaucoma. CHAPELLE AC, DUPONT G, COLLIGNON NJ
1034Satisfaction evaluation in glaucoma patients in Belgium following treatment with prostaglandins STALMANS I, COLLIGNON N, EHONGO A
1035Surgically induced corneal astigmatism after fornix-based trabeculectomy VAN KEER K, WILLEKENS K, ABEGãO PINTO L, DELBEKE H, VANDEWALLE E, STALMANS I
1036Optic nerve head hemorrhage and vitreous traction WILLEKENS K, ABEGãO PINTO L, VANDEWALLE E, STALMANS P, STALMANS I
1037Surgical technique for scleral melting 14 years after trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C. DELBEKE H, VANDEWALLE E, HUA MT, STALMANS I
1038VIth nerve neuromyotonia mimicking intermittent Duane type II TAYLOR AR, BURUKLAR H, VAN HECHEL C, CORDONNIER M
1039Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: insidious presentation with papilloedema ROELS D, VERLOO P, DEBLAERE K, DELBEKE P
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