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TitreHidden information about the macular anatomy in the interferrometric biometry spikes.
ButTo study the retinal spikes of the interferrometric biometric waveform in normal eyes and eyes with abnormal macular anatomy.
Méthodes10 normal patients and 10 patients with macular pathology are studied. The Lenstar interferrometric biometer was used in all cases. The retinal spikes are magnified and studied in details to depict normal retinal spikes and abnormalities. An OCT image of the pathology will be correlated with the retinal spike form.
RésultatsAll retinal macular pathology was detected by carefull examining and studying the retinal spike form of the Lenstar biometer. In detail analysis will be presented.
ConclusionIt is possible to detect retinal macular abnormalities in the waveform of the biometry by interferrometry.
Auteur 1
InstitutUZ Leuven dep opht
Auteur 2
InstitutJan Ypermanziekenhuis - UZ Leuven dep opht
VilleIeper - Leuven
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