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TitreEarly clinical experience with a new Selective Laser Capsulotomy (SLC) device
ButTo present on the 1st 100 consecutive eyes where the capsulotomy in routine cataract surgery was performed using a new Selective Laser Capsulotomy (SLC) technique.
MéthodesSLC is performed with a 590nm orange wavelength laser which is absorbed into a trypan blue stained capsule to create a perfectly sized, centered and circular capsulotomy. The diameter settings are set from 4.5mm to 5.5mm in 0.1mm increments. From initial use the 1st consecutive 100 eyes were treated by the same surgeon and reviewed for size, centration and circularity. The number of free-floating capsular discs and 360° coverage of the IOL optic surface was also observed.
RésultatsAfter an initial learning curve observed with the 1st 20 eyes, SLC produced repeatable and accurate capsulotomies in terms of size, centration and circularity. Free floating capsular discs were consistently observed and 360° IOL coverage was achieved in 100% of cases.
ConclusionThe CAPSULaser SLC technique resulted in accurate and consistent capsulotomies easily integrated into the patient workflow. These results shown in our first 100 cases demonstrate the value of this automated capsulotomy device.
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