ICC-W4: Visual fields and Structural measurements for glaucoma into clinical practice

Interactive Clinical Courses
Mercredi 28 Novembre 2012, 16:00 - 17:30, Hall E - ICC

BASIC Course

The course is based on the educational program "Save Sight Years II" which was developed by the renown glaucoma specialists Prof Dr Fancisco Goni and Prof Dr Luca Rossetti with the support of Allergan. This program is developed to illustrate the importance of measuring both structural and functional rate of progression, in order to identify patients at risk of visual impairment as early as possible. Combining information from structure and function can significantly improve detection and assessment of glaucoma progression. The program will include a practical workshop to illustrate how function (visual fields) and structural measurements can be implemented in clinical practice. Moreover, the latest data showing that effective IOP reduction can substantially impact the rate of glaucoma progression and have an outcome on saving sight years and quality of life will be discussed.
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