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ButReview the different types of visual field defect and the different methods of visual field evaluation. The clinical features allowing localization of the visual field defect along the visual pathway will be described. The different etiology will be discussed.
MéthodesPresentations of clinical cases
RésultatsIn general, the visual abnormalities caused by lesions anterior to and including the chiasm cause acuity loss, color deficits, and visual field defects (abnormal central and peripheral vision). Unilateral retrochiasmal (posterior to the chiasm) lesions present primarily with homonymous visual field defects without visual loss. But, interpretation of visual images might also be disturbed, when extrastriate association cortex and induce object recognition, color perception, motion detection, and visual attention

ConclusionVisual field testing is the corner stone of the clinical evaluation in any patient with visual complains.
Adequate interpretation of the visual field defects and visual complains is essential for management of patient with visual abnormalities
Auteur 1
InstitutCliniques Universitaires St Luc
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