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TitelAcquired bilateral Brown’s syndrome with benign joint hypermobility
Abstract Nr.1061
DoelTo report the history, investigations and results of a patient with an intermittent unilateral or bilateral Brown’s syndrome associated with joint hyperlaxity.
MethodesA 30-year-old woman developed a right Brown’s syndrome followed by a left one few weeks later. Forced duction test was positive on both sides.
Previous history relates similar recurrent and self remitting episodes. She presents a hyperlaxity demonstrated by her capacity to widely deflect her finger and to dislocate her thenar eminence. MR orbital imaging shows increased thickness of the tendon/ trochlea complex bilaterally. A recovery was noted after coincidental intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
ResultatenDifferent etiologies of acquired bilateral Brown’s syndrome are discussed. In this case, as already described in the literature, there is a relation with a hereditary disease of the connective tissue characterized by joint hyperlaxity.
ConclusieBilateral Brown’s Syndrome might be caused by an inflammatory process in the trochlea that started because of the benign joint hypermobility.
Auteur 1
InstituutHôpital Erasme
Auteur 2
InstituutHôpital Erasme
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