ICC 5: Corneal topography made easy
Interactive Clinical Courses
Donderdag 23 November 2023, 09:00 - 10:30, HALL 300


Level: Basic


ALSABAI Nashwan, KOPPEN Carina

UZ Antwerp

Focus Eye Clinic


Corneal topography is a non-invasive imaging technique crucial for ophthalmologists in refractive surgery and the diagnosis of ectatic corneal diseases. It enables the detection of abnormalities, early disease diagnosis, classification, and effective disease monitoring. This interactive course aims to equip ophthalmologists with the necessary knowledge and skills to utilize and interpret corneal topography confidently in clinical practice.

09:00Topography made easy - Speaker 1 ALSABAI N
09:45Topography made easy - Speaker 2 KOPPEN C
 10:30End of ICC 5
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