
ManaMa: Diplopia Examination, Work-up and Management- December 15, 2012

Diplopia Examination, Work-up and Management
Hôpital Erasme, December 15, 2012

Organized by Professor Monique CORDONNIER


Auditoire JAUMOTTE, level 01, Hôpital Erasme, 808, route de Lennik, 1070 Brussels

One day course in english

Details read more.
Download the ManaMa slide.

This course is part of a Master after Master program that is organized by the Collegium Ophthalmologicum Belgicum. These courses fit in the Master after Master program for our residents, independent of their year of training. However, this program is open for any ophthalmologist who would like to refresh his/her knowledge on different topics. The aim of this program is to achieve an ideal balance between theory and practice.

Accreditation nr: 12013670 - 6 CP

Proposed program

-    9h- 9h15  The patient sees double : asking what, doing what ?  Pr M. Cordonnier (ULB)

-    9h15 – 9h30  Monocular diplopia : causes and treatment  Dr C. Andris (ULG)

-    9h30 – 10h  Binocular diplopia : how to examine the patient ?  Pr M. Cordonnier (ULB)
o    Objective tests
o    Subjective tests
o    Forced duction test
o    Prostigmine test
-    10h – 11h Incomitant misalignment and diplopia
a) Oculomotor palsies  20 minutes  Dr C. Andris (ULG)
b) Supranuclear disorders  20 minutes  Pr A. Boschi (UCL)
c) Muscular disorders  20 minutes  Pr A. Boschi (UCL)

-    11h – 11h30  Break

-    11h30 – 12h  Comitant misalignment and diplopia  N. La Grange ((UGent)

-    12h – 12h30  Diplopia in childhood  M. Van Lammeren (KUL)

-    12h30 – 13h30  Lunch

-    13h30 – 14h10  Intermittent binocular diplopia  Pr A. Boschi (UCL)

-    14h10 – 14h20  Retinal diplopia  N. La Grange (UGent)

-    14h20 – 14h 40  Treatment options : optical correction, prisms, botulinum toxin or surgery ?  Dr C. Andris (ULG)

-    14h40 – 15h15  How to prescribe prisms ?  M. Van Lammeren (KUL)

-    15h15 – 15h30  Any questions ?

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